Archives of Nethys

Pathfinder RPG (1st Edition) Starfinder RPG Pathfinder RPG (2nd Edition)

Armor | Shields | Weapons
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Khefak Armor

The exoskeleton of mature khefaks with a diet of high-quality composites can be used to create corresponding forms of heavy armor. Khefak-based armor diffuses radiation better than normal composites and offers environmental protections providing immunity to medium radiation and a +6 circumstance bonus to the initial saving throw against radiation exposure (not sickness). This bonus is +2 even when the environmental protections aren’t functional. If the armor’s item level is 7 or higher, its environmental protections work against high radiation, and the saving throw bonus is +9, or +4 when the environmental protections aren’t functioning. Armor crafted with khefak exoskeleton components costs 500 credits more than normal.

Thasteron khefak carapaces are even more valuable. Armor of item level 6 or lower that incorporates thasteron khefak carapaces acts as armor of item level 7 or higher composed of normal khefak carapaces. If armor of item level 7 or higher incorporates thasteron khefak carapaces, its environmental protections provide immunity to severe radiation, and the circumstance bonus to saving throws against initial radiation exposure is +12, or +6 when the environmental protections are nonfunctional. Armor crafted of thasteron khefak carapace components costs 2,000 credits more than normal.


Source Alien Archive 2 pg. 79
Price +500 credits

Thasteron Khefak

Source Alien Archive 2 pg. 79
Price +2,000 credits